Archive for October, 2011

On the Seventh Day of Halloween, My True Love Gave to Me…

…Seven Weird-Ass Costumes! A Baby Doll Limb Coat Rack, Frankenstein-esque Homemade Sex Doll, Nine Slasher Cupcakes, a Baby Doll Centipede, Creepy Easter Bunny and Human Body Part Candy Sushi!

Great boobs think alike.


On the Sixth Day of Halloween, My True Love Gave to Me…

…a Baby Doll Limb Coat Rack! A Frankenstein-esque Homemade Sex Doll, Nine Slasher Cupcakes, a Baby Doll Centipede, Creepy Easter Bunny, and Human Body Part Candy Sushi.

The only way this could be improved is if you could automate the hands so they grab you when you hang your coat.

On the Fifth Day of Halloween, My True Love Gave to Me…

…a Frankenstein-esque Homemade Sex Doll! Nine Slasher Cupcakes, a Baby Doll Centipede, Creepy Easter Bunny, and Human Body Part Candy Sushi.

May meets “To Catch a Predator”, in the worst way possible.

On the Fourth Day of Halloween, My True Love Gave to Me…

…Nine Slasher Cupcakes! A Baby Doll Centipede, Creepy Easter Bunny, and Human Body Part Candy Sushi.

Finally, a reason to justify cannibalism. 

On the Third Day of Halloween, My True Love Gave to Me…

…a Baby Doll Centipede! A Creepy Easter Bunny and Human Body Part Candy Sushi.

This one’s my favorite, but there are other versions, too:


On the Second Day of Halloween, My True Love Gave to Me…

…a Creepy Easter Bunny! And Human Body Part Candy Sushi.

He’s here to claim your eggs.

The 8 Days of Halloween

Christmas has 12 days. Halloween has only one. That doesn’t seem fair, does it? It definitely doesn’t, which is why I’m counting down to Halloween starting today.

On the first day of Halloween, my true love gave to me…

Human Body Part Candy Sushi!

Ew, I don’t want the nose one. Who wants to taste boogers in their cannibalism?

Fried Day Friday

This past Friday, I attended the State Fair of Texas. It was fun, but the nutritional equivalent of fried turd I ate mandated that this weekend be X-TREEM DETOX WEEKEND. X-TREEM DETOX WEEKEND is my specially formulated diet plan to lose bulk without improving overall health. It involves a lot of diet soda. I guess it’s more of an anti-detox… but detox sounds better so it’s X-TREEM DETOX WEEKEND, with a completely unnecessary but nonetheless effectively aggressive misspelling of “extreme”! So tape Coke Zero cans to your hands and start downing my patented X-TREEM DETOX DIET PILLS!
